Kaylin & Gavin

October 29, 2025 • Gilbert, AZ
229 Days To Go!

Kaylin & Gavin

October 29, 2025 • Gilbert, AZ
229 Days To Go!

Our Story

Our Story

Picture of Our Story

Kaylin and Gavin met working at MartAnnes in 2021. They became fast friends over the next year. Gavin finally asked Kaylin out on an official date in April 2022. Kaylin was nervous to say yes because this would be her first date ever! However, her best friend, Chassity, convinced her to take the leap (for real, thanks Chass -Gavin).

Since that day, Gavin and Kaylin have spent their time going on many adventures and seeing the world. They have found their best travel buddies in each other. They have crafted the most amazing friend group together and experienced truly incredible things.

Two years later, Gavin proposed to Kaylin at their favorite creek side spot in Sedona, Arizona. He planned out the perfect proposal, with the help of his many friends and co-workers. Kaylin now wears Nana Deffenbaugh's ring. They are both so excited to share their special moment with you.